Over 275 Combined Years Of Legal Experience
At Your Service

Heather Sandsbury

Location: Waltham, Massachusetts

Direct Line: (781) 703-5576

Direct fax: (781) 314-1954

Email: [email protected]

Heather Sandsbury is an estate planning Paralegal in the Elder Law Group of Cushing & Dolan, P.C.. Heather assists the attorneys with all aspects of preparing, executing, and implementing estate plan documents. A large part of Heather’s role is to work with our clients to align their assets in accordance with their estate plan. This includes but is not limited to assisting with change forms for investment accounts and beneficiary designation forms for retirement accounts, life insurance policies and the like. We are proud to be able to offer this level of service and believe it is one of the many factors that sets Cushing & Dolan, P.C. above the rest.

Prior to joining Cushing & Dolan, P.C., Heather was a Support Specialist for thirteen years with Partners Health Care, Patient Gateway. As a senior team lead, Heather assisted co-workers and production support to resolve support ticket inquires, processing enrollments and providing patient support. Heather was also previously with an estate planning law firm in Waltham where she handled the preparation of Wills, Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts, Revocable Trusts, Wills, Durable Powers of Attorney HIPAA Releases, and Advance Directives. Heather also assisted clients with their Medicaid long-term care applications.