Over 275 Combined Years Of Legal Experience
At Your Service

Probate Administration And Litigation Services In Wellesley

In most cases, a well-conceived and well-drafted estate plan will help families avoid the cost, time commitment and stress that are often associated with probate. However, even with a solid estate plan in place, legal representation is commonly required for probate matters.

Many of our Wellesley probate law attorneys are certified public accountants (CPAs) or hold advanced law degrees in taxation. Cushing & Dolan, P.C., has been helping our Massachusetts clients with estate planning, probate and business matters since 1984. Our lawyers will help protect your interests throughout the probate process.

Probate Administration

Trustees, estate administrators and executors of wills carry a great responsibility. Along with this responsibility comes tremendous exposure to liability and potentially costly disputes. People in these agency responsibilities are held to a fiduciary responsibility, required to always act in good faith and in the best interest of the principal.

At Cushing & Dolan, P.C., we help our clients navigate the potentially dangerous waters of probate administration, providing valuable counsel on matters that include:

Probate Litigation

We can resolve many of the will contests that arise in probate through negotiation and mediation, but some cases cannot be solved by amicable means; they need to be resolved in the courtroom. We have more than 40 years of experience litigating all types of probate issues. We defend trustees in claims of breach of fiduciary duty. We also represent beneficiaries and creditors who want to dispute an estate’s administration.

Contact Weston Probate Attorneys ∙ Free Initial Consultations

From our eight Massachusetts offices, we offer thorough, confidential probate administration and litigation services. If you need legal counsel regarding probate administration or litigation in the Boston area, call 888-759-5109 or contact Cushing & Dolan, P.C. online to schedule a free initial consultation with an attorney from our firm.