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Why you need to start the estate planning process today

On Behalf of | Nov 19, 2015 | Trusts |

Life is full of surprises and unexpected changes—some good and some more unfortunate. While it’s not always possible to anticipate or plan for certain events, in many cases, having a comprehensive estate plan can provide for one’s own benefit as well as that of loved ones.

Think about it, what would happen if you were seriously injured in a car accident tomorrow and not able to communicate your wishes or directions? In this scenario, having a living will and health care proxy can aid doctors in providing one with the type and level of appropriate care. Additionally, these legal directives can remove the burden from family members of having to make major healthcare decisions on your behalf and provide them with peace of mind in knowing that they are following your wishes. Also, having a designated power of attorney means that your mortgage and bills will continue to be paid even while you are incapacitated.


These are just a few of the reasons why it’s important to have an estate plan. Many people wrongly believe that estate planning is simply about drafting a will. While a will is often an important component of an estate plan, there are many other matters that can and should be addressed in a plan including long-term care needs, retirement planning and asset protection.

For residents throughout Massachusetts, the estate planning attorneys at Cushing & Dolan, P.C., can provide guidance, advice and support to help ensure that a plan is tailored to meet the unique needs and goals of an individual and his or her family. Our attorneys are well-versed in all estate planning matters and have helped many individuals and families in Massachusetts successfully navigate what can otherwise be a daunting and confusing process.
