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Helping Massachusetts residents plan for the future

On Behalf of | Aug 18, 2015 | Estate Administration & Probate |

From landing a first job and buying a first home to getting married and having a baby, life is full of milestones that forever change one’s perspective, responsibilities and priorities. With each life change, both big and small, it’s important to take stock and make adjustments to one’s future plans.

The estate planning process helps an individual identify, prioritize and plan for the people, things and events that really matter in their lives. As an individual moves through life and births, marriages, deaths and divorces occur; estate planning adjustments must be made accordingly.

Clients often have many questions and concerns related to leaving assets and possessions to loved ones, how to avoid estate taxes and the benefits of a trust. Many estate planning issues can be complex and the laws and regulations that govern things like estate taxes and health care proxies frequently change. It’s critical, therefore, to seek the advice and assistance of a trusted legal professional who is well-versed in a wide variety of estate planning topics.

Every individual and his or her personal and financial situation is unique. An attorney should take the time to get to know each client to discover his or her goals with regard to long-term care needs, business succession planning, beneficiaries and tax planning. For more than 30 years, the estate planning attorneys at Cushing & Dolan, P.C. have partnered with residents in Massachusetts to ensure that their goals for the future are realized and accomplished.
