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Reasons to think about getting a prenup

On Behalf of | Jun 2, 2022 | Prenuptial Agreements |

You may assume that prenuptial agreements are only for celebrities or the very rich. That is not true. Having a prenup helps a couple clarify important financial issues and other key matters before they wed. Since lots of married people squabble about money, hammering out the fine points before you say “I do” can be extremely helpful.

It also gives the betrothed pair a chance to find out if they are on the same page if various situations involving money occur. Having everything spelled out clearly in writing can give people a sense of comfort and order going into their marital union. It also lessens the possibility of a messy, time- and energy-consuming divorce later on if things don’t work out.

In what kinds of situations might you want a prenup?

Numerous scenarios can exist when it might be beneficial to have a prenup ready. These are a few:

  •         When one person in a couple has greater wealth, a prenup can protect them from having to pay an exorbitant amount in alimony if there is a divorce.
  •         If your partner runs up debt while you are married, you don’t have to share the responsibility of paying it off.
  •         You can make sure that the assets of both spouses are not combined. Also, any kids you have from an earlier marriage will be provided for upon your death.
  •         If you were married before and endured a harrowing divorce, you might feel more at ease knowing from the get-go “what [your] financial future holds.”

Should you get divorced, you can avoid a lot of the haggling and stress that can accompany the divorce process if you have a prenup in place.

Getting a prenup won’t infringe on your romance

Some people think that the process of drawing up a prenup is too businesslike and unromantic, so they skip it. However, the document is like a valuable safety net that can stop you from having a hard landing if your marriage goes sour.




