A pour-over will is something you may want to use if you're going to use a living trust. It helps to move your assets when you pass away so that your wishes are followed. Essentially, the pour-over will takes any assets that you did not move to the trust while you...
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Month: April 2017
3 questions to ask as your parents age
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Apr 21, 2017 | Powers Of Attorney
Your parents are growing older. While it can be uncomfortable to talk about end-of-life situations, you know that it's important to do in time. What are some important questions to ask? First, do you know what type of life support and end-of-life care your parents...
How fast a trust has to be distributed
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Apr 13, 2017 | Trusts
A loved one passed away, leaving behind assets in a trust. The idea here is that one person will administer the trust -- perhaps a sibling of yours -- and give the proper assets to the other family members. The problem is that you feel like it's taking too long....
Why do people get cut out of wills?
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Apr 7, 2017 | Wills
Being cut out of a will can happen for a variety of reasons, and every situation is different. A parent may be unhappy with a child's life choices or may simply have fallen out of touch with that child. As varied as family life is from one family to the next, so are...
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