With Game 5 of the World Series set for tonight, Red Sox fans in New England and across the nation will be turning their thoughts once again to the baseball diamond. As important as the game is, it is not life or death. But given the rich literature about baseball, it...
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Month: October 2013
When families disagree about care: the Kasem conservatorship case
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Oct 21, 2013 | Powers Of Attorney
Conservatorships are sometimes necessary to safeguard the interests of a family member who no longer has the capacity to make their own financial or medical decisions. When there is no power of attorney in place, or a power of attorney is not being honored, a...
Reverse mortgages: revised rules likely after court ruling
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Oct 14, 2013 | Estate Administration & Probate
When a husband or wife dies, the surviving spouse is not only faced with a difficult emotional loss. There are also typically various estate administration issues to be taken care of. For some surviving spouses, those issues can include the right to remain in the...
Recipe for confusion and conflict: two different wills
On Behalf of Cushing & Dolan, P.C. | Oct 7, 2013 | Wills
When someone leaves behind two wills, it is obviously a recipe for confusion. And it is scarcely a surprise when an extended and hard-fought legal fight ensues in such circumstances -- especially when large amounts of money are involved. That is why testators in...
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